Dominique Navarrete is a Multi-Modality Massage Therapist who uses the ancient Chinese and Eastern methodology of fire-cupping to address the causal factors of injuries. Cupping works by pulling muscle up from the body, allowing new blood cells to flood the area, clearing the area of stagnant energy and tension. This process teaches your body how to heal. Along with deep-tissue massage, aromatherapy, and essential oils — the combination makes for a powerful healing experience.

Dominique needed content creation to help fuel his social media, photography and graphic design for his homemade products and small-batch apparel items.

Special thanks to: Tactical Therapeutics & his client, Caodan Tran


Shot and edited by VAYCASEY (Casey Reid). Facilitated connection and added personal testimonial.

“working with leon has been awesome! i feel a sense of hype every day to see what cool things might get posted next. he knows how to convey what’s necessary and offers valuable direction. we’ve experienced continued growth, and my clients love our social media. ”

— Dominique Navarrete, Owner of Tactical Therapeutics



since working with tactical therapeutics specifically on growing his following while marketing services and packages (last 120 days)*:

Starting Follower Count: 1,223

Current Follower Count: 1,485

Massage Bookings: 127%+

*This account has been grown without the use of Facebook or Instagram Ads. Purely organic following using timeline and Stories.